the sunday currently

(re-)reading  Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
listening  to James filling out his passport renewal paperwork so we can officially check that one off the wedding checklist!
thinking  Sword and Scale podcast might have gotten just a little too graphic for me.
smelling  clean hair, clean clothes, clean apartment.
wishing  I had magically dropped 10 lbs this past month. #theweddingdiet
hoping  a few ladies will be able to make it to craft day on Sunday while Peyton throws like the champ he is!!
wearing  sweatpants and my VS way-on-sale pink longsleeve T.
loving  downtown Indianapolis condos, but they're so pricey! Anybody want to give us a discount for being really really really ridiculously good looking??
wanting  Burger King zesty sauce. I don't even care what I'm dipping in it. #want
needing  to wake up in the morning with no sore throat or icky stomach biz.
clicking this. Like it's my job. hint: it's not my job.

What are you up to currently? Link up here.

Sarah :: Plucky in Love

Sarah, aka "Plucky", blogs on the reg, unless she's on vacation or there's a Pretty Little Liars marathon or she's mulling over the implications of the phrase "on fleek." She can't live without iced coffee, a portable phone charger, or equal pay. Say hello!

1 comment:

  1. lol I'm all about the Trulia app. We are NOT in the position to actually be buying a house. XO -Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
