If we were having coffee today...

It would be iced, which is weird for this time of year around here, but it's a balmy 61° in December. You'd comment on how the Christmas wreath on my front door is was held up with packing tape and I would bask in my domestic goddess-ness.

I'd tell that I forgot to grab my keys when I took the dog out this morning, so I got to chat with maintenance first thing while they let me back in because I'm good at adulting and remembering things before I've had coffee.

You'd ask me if I listened to the new Serial yesterday and I'd be all, "YES! I'm obsessed already. What is it with SK describing video footage that makes me want to join subreddits??"

I'd ask if you have your holiday shopping done, and you'd tell me that you don't and that time is really getting away from you this year and neither of us has any idea how we'll squeeze everything in before the 25th.

Then you'd pull out your phone to show me a picture of your (seriously cute) ugly sweater this year, which I'll have already seen because, hello, Instagram. And it really is a great sweater.

At some point, I'd notice my muffin top under the table and start griping about how I, like, canNOT get motivated to work out, even with a wedding looming over my head. You'd emphatically agree that it's tough, then politely not mention the 6 mile run you took yesterday.

Before we know it, you'd be apologizing but you've got to run. You've got to prep for one of the 13 parties you'll be hosting/attending before 2016 rolls around. I'd tell you bye (and hug you, but only if you initiated) and make a beeline for the restroom because my bladder is the size of a walnut.

We'd promise to do this again real soon, wouldn't we??

I haven't done one of these in ages! Obviously holidays are taking over my brain at the moment. I celebrate Christmas as do many of my close friends. If we were having coffee today and you don't celebrate Christmas, we might have a slightly different conversation and that's really really cool! I'd very much have enjoyed our coffee today because I think you're pretty rad. 

Sarah :: Plucky in Love

Sarah, aka "Plucky", blogs on the reg, unless she's on vacation or there's a Pretty Little Liars marathon or she's mulling over the implications of the phrase "on fleek." She can't live without iced coffee, a portable phone charger, or equal pay. Say hello!


  1. i love this. let's have coffee :) (clearly cannot do that in person but ya know..)

  2. I'm so happy to have Sarah's voice back in my life again. I wish she would all my favorite audiobooks. Love the super casual "that's me calling the Taliban" dropped in at the end. Of course the Serial subreddit already meme'd that one.

    Don't worry, my run yesterday was only 3 miles.

  3. hehehe this was a great coffee date. Thanks for having me. <3

  4. Haha I love this. Very "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie..." :)
