7 things to do today because -- Hello! It's February!

Yesterday I had a sick day. Very Peggy Ann McKay, in fact. I walked into the office and was immediately sent home to rest up and feel better. Snuggled between my two favorite fur balls, I made my way through a good chunk of Downton Abbey (thank you, Amazon streaming vid!) and drank half a gallon of milk in my herbal peach hot tea. 

All that is to say, apologies that our February 1st party got postponed until today. Lucky for us it's a leap year, so we've still got just as much February left to celebrate as usual! 

February 2nd To Do List

 Murry Groundhog Day to you!
Why do we celebrate this strange, somewhat mystical holiday each year? I've read the history but I'm still not quite sure. To celebrate, though, check out this video of the NY mayor getting bit by Old Man Winter.

Dig your orange hoodie out of the closet for the big game
PEYTON IS GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL. Okay, so are a lot of other people. But folks are saying this is probably his last one, and how great would it be to go out on a giant W?  The real news, though, is the commercials, amIright? Preview this year's crop here!

Get down on one knee, ladies
Did you think Valentine's Day was the most romantic February holiday? Me too, but we were wrong. Apparently there's a really old tradition (like, middle ages old) in which Leap Day (Feb 29th) is a day when women are supposed to propose to their dudes. Don't worry -- if he says "No," he owes you 12 pairs of gloves to cover your ringless finger.  Today is a great day to start planning your proposal...

Host a Leap Day Party
I may be having too much fun with the extra day this month, but we have an extra day this month so let's celebrate!! The play on words for this Leap Day Party just has me tickled to death.  

Pass the peanuts, please
Apparently "American Airlines announced on Monday that complimentary pretzels and cookies will be available on its transcontinental flights this month. All domestic flights will have snacks by April." When did the complimentary snacks go away? #WeRoadtripTooOftenISuppose Just in case you've missed those stellar pretzels, read up on TSA pre-check to see how you can get to your complimentary snacks faster than ever before!

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/business/article57756328.html#storylink=cpy

Keep up with WHO
On a serious note, this Zika virus business is terrifying. I'm not quite sure what to do about it, if anything, but it can't hurt keeping abreast of the situation. Very, very scary stuff. Here's the latest.

Go get your girl crush on
Are you bloggy obsessed MacKensie G. and Alyssa too?? They're basically the best. And they had a girl date in NYC last week. And I'm hella jealz. If you haven't already, go catch up on all their biz and turn green with me, will you?

This is legitimately a list of things I'm going to do today. What about you? Do you have special plans to ring in February in style?! I'd love to hear about them in the comments below. ♥

PS. I'm playing around with my too-plain blog header. How do you feel about the tassels? Very Elvis, no?

Sarah :: Plucky in Love

Sarah, aka "Plucky", blogs on the reg, unless she's on vacation or there's a Pretty Little Liars marathon or she's mulling over the implications of the phrase "on fleek." She can't live without iced coffee, a portable phone charger, or equal pay. Say hello!


  1. Aww would have loved to have you on our lil date! All this means to me though is Indy HAS to be on my travel list this year, duh.

  2. So beyond green over that NYC girls date! And the Zika, eek! We are so bummed, we have a June trip to the DR purchased and that's just going to have to be negotiated with the travel agency. No way, no how. I'm not ready to propose on Leap Day!

  3. I DID notice the missing complimentary snacks on AA and I was pissed! Glad the situation has been rectified. And thanks for the shoutout. You da best. <3

  4. I'm sorry you were sick! Outside of that teeny detail, the whole sipping herbal tea while snuggled between two fur babies deal sounds wonderful :) I heard about Leap Day from that terrible movie that Amy Adams was in a few year ago.. Have you seen it? I love the idea behind the tradition, but I think it deserves a better movie rendition...

  5. I am sorry to hear you weren't feeling well! I vaguely remember something about women proposing to their guy on the Leap Year, but I didn't know about the glove bit. How interesting! The Zika virus is very scary, but important to know about.

  6. Hope you are feeling better now! :) I kind of love Leap Year the movie. It's great. I did not know about the glove thing though... interesting. Eek to Zika. Yay to snackies. :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
